Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A new and different traffic exchange on scene

Hey all,

There is a new traffic exchange out called Income Focus TE .

This is a little different than most TE's out there.

As you surf and get credits you can turn 20% into cash tokens! You can actually earn cash just by surfing.
This TE is the creation of the super successful Ria, owner of Enchanted Mails.

If you like to surf and would like to try something a little different than check out Income Focus TE.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Three Surefire Ways to Power Up Your Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketers everywhere are always looking for an edge to boost up their conversion rates and increase their commissions. If you’re hunting for the holy grail of affiliate marketing, then look no further. Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the biggest difference to your bottom line.
Take a look at these three ways for growing your affiliate business…
1. Build a Responsive List
There’s a huge difference between merely building a list… and building a responsive list. Most every affiliate knows to build a list, but very few know how to create a responsive list with engaged subscribers. Check out these tips:
Set expectations upfront. Your lead page and initial emails should make it clear what your list is about and why subscribers should be opening every email you send. People are more engaged when you meet their expectations.
Stay in touch. You can’t build a relationship by dropping people a line once a month. You should be sending emails on a weekly basis at a minimum.
Give your best stuff. Make people look forward to opening your emails. Give them the same sort of stuff that others are putting in paid products.
Edutain people. Subscribers don’t want to read boring content, even if it’s useful, nor do they want to read entertaining fluff. So edutain them, which means you entertain while you educate. Use a light, conversational tone. Inject humor where appropriate.
Interact. Don’t make a monologue your sole communication channel. Encourage your subscribers to click through to your blog or social media pages to interact with you, discuss the issues and ask questions.
If you employ the above tips, then you won’t just have a mailing list of warm bodies… you’ll have a responsive list of people who click on your links and buy what you’re selling.
Next up…
2. Establish Yourself as an Authority
People don’t want to get their information from just anyone. Instead, they’re looking for a leader. They’re looking for an expert. They’re looking for an authority. That’s why you need to showcase your expertise and position yourself as an authority in your niche.
Here are three tips:
Showcase your credentials. If you have credentials or a story that makes you an expert, flaunt it. This might include related awards, degrees, special qualifications and so on.
Land guest author and speaking spots. The authorities are the ones who are being interviewed on webinars or even on blogs. Submit proposals to talk radio, podcasts, and blogs in your niche to land these guest speaker spots for yourself.
Associate with credible others. When you create products or do webinars with other authorities in your niche, you’ll be seen as an authority too.
And last but not least…
It’s no secret that adding value to an offer can boost your conversion rate. What many affiliates don’t know is that this strategy can put up to five times more money in your pocket over not offering a bonus. This strategy is a lot more powerful than many people think!
But this strategy also takes too much time. You need to know how to design web pages in order to create a good-looking promo page. You need to know how to code to do it right. It’s no wonder so many affiliates don’t bother with this powerful strategy.
So what’s the solution?
Use Commission Gorilla. This is an app designed by two super affiliates who wanted to build their own high-impact bonus pages fast. Speed is the key when it comes to affiliate marketing, especially during a product launch. With Commission Gorilla you can create bonus pages in as little as a few minutes (rather than hours or even days).
You don’t need design skills or coding skills. You don’t even need your own website.
Check it out for yourself.
Once you have Commission Gorilla, you won’t have any more excuses for not offering bonuses!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Even Amazonian Grandpa's Profit With This...

I've just seen something brand new, exclusive and
best of all, free, that I had to share with you
right away!

They make great claims...

"The innovative TE Command Post System that was just
released is so easy to use that my deaf, dumb and
blind one-armed wheelchair-bound 77 year old
grandfather who got stranded in the deepest, darkest
regions of the upper Amazon three decades ago and
doesn't even have an internet connection could use it."

Did you tune out yet? What a load of old baloney!



Paul Kinder thought so too because he carries on to

"Well OK - maybe not! I don't think my grandpas
ever visited South America and more importantly,
we're not about hype!"

"We ARE about using traffic exchanges to build real
businesses and now we've released our system to help
you do exactly the same."

If you're struggling to make real money with your
traffic exchange advertising there is a completely
new (and yet time proven!) unique and innovative
system that's just been released today.

It's from Paul Kinder and Tim Rash and it's
called TE Command Post.

It is so well designed and so useful you will wonder
how you ever did without it before.

Get the full story here...

Take Command Today!

PS You will always be able to get in free - no false
scare tactics here! BUT...

There is a VERY special launch promotion where you can
lock in up to 88% discount on the top level Platinum
upgrade - secured for life!

You will NOT be able to access the special Platinum
upgrade inside the members area and...

The special launch discount is expected to sell out
quickly and will only be available for a few short days!

There is an absolutely HUGE list of extra benefits if
you upgrade, one of the best value deals I ever saw.

So join free or grab yourself an amazing bargain,

Either way you won't regret it!

Ready, Aim, Fire!

Yours In Success,
Bret Eikenberry



What Kind of Online Marketer are you? A Dabbler or a Doer? Your Answer Matters.

By Sandi Hunter

Every day I talk to people who are trying to earn an honest buck in an online business. These are average people who come from all walks of life, from all corners of the globe. The common goal they share is the desire to earn money online in any number of online affiliate or reseller type programs. Although the goal is the same, the approach to making this happen is always different and so too are the results. I have outlined here the marketing approaches that I observe everyday, the ones that are effective and the ones that aren't. See if you recognize yourself in any of these examples.

The Dabbler.

The Dabbler's marketing approach involves putting a little bit of effort into this and a little bit of effort into that. This type of marketer will post a few blogs, send a few tweets, join a safelist or two and participate in a handful of traffic exchanges. This person has a basic understanding of what is required to market their online business. The problem is they simply won't commit to rolling up their sleeves, digging in and doing what is necessary to consistently promote and build results. They are too busy talking about it, planning it, and getting organized. The Dabbler sometimes doubles as an excuse-machine. They readily offer up reasons for not having completed the necessary tasks to build their business. Or, they easily assign blame to others for their lack of success. It has always puzzled me how it is so easy to find reasons for not being successful. What about all the reasons why you CAN be successful? The Internet offers burgeoning earning opportunities!

The Learner.

This type of marketer is a professional online student. They read continuously, watch videos, sign up for everything to get even more details and more help. They are so busy learning, and soaking up knowledge they never actually DO anything or apply what they learn. They are never ready to START applying what they have learned. They want to study more, take it all in, buy more books, take more courses. The Internet itself, and marketing strategies are constantly evolving. You will never know every last detail about marketing and when you think you are getting close, technology will change again. Stop with the learning and start with the doing! Everyday you focus ONLY on learning, is another day you have not made a dime. Dive in, get wet, start promoting your business, products and services - now - RIGHT NOW! Yes, there is much to learn about online marketing, never stop learning but be sure to never stop MARKETING.

The Sweat and Tears Syndrome.

This marketer is the saddest one of all. They promote with a frenzied intensity in short bursts spending hours in all the wrong places, promoting all the wrong things. They furiously tap away for hours at their keyboard "working their business" late into the night for 2, 3 days, maybe a week or more. Their blog is bursting with good key word content, they've tweeted like a mad person, they've bought leads with great promises from a sketchy vendor that seemed to good to be true. Exhausted, they pause and wait for the results. When they don't get instant results, the sweat turns to tears. Frustrated they swear, stomp, tantrum and move on to the next greatest online money-making program ever - that is in pre-launch! The insanity begins again. This type of marketer has no patience, and leaps from one program to another, with no loyalty or commitment.

The Doer.

The DOER is the marketer that SUCCEEDS! The DOER is the one who doesn't get caught up in all the details. The DOER is a courageous beast. They blunder, make mistakes, but carry on. They understand the sheer power of the web to market products to the world and to profit from their labour. They understand that with the right products and tools they can sell anything! The web is fat with buyers. DOERS understand that you MUST have patience, and MUST work a business constantly, knowing this means consistent promotion every day. DOERS accept that there will be frustrating times, failures, and obstacles on the path to success. The DOERS I know, aren't always the people you might expect. Many of the DOERS I know are average people, with very little sales or technical background. Their gift is that they are not afraid to try, they don't give up, they dig in and work hard. There are DOERS all over the world right now marketing their products, services, and affiliate programs in all corners of the web, turning a profit each and every day. This type of marketer has tapped into the right resources, training and tools, applies them consistently, setting realistic goals carrying a positive attitude.

Here is my advise to you as an online marketer on your way to success.

Every single day when you wake up, set a goal for yourself. Make your goal realistic and measurable. Post your goal on your computer, date it.

Initially your goal may be to simply find 5 great places to promote your business. Then your goal may evolve into actually posting your ads, product, service or opportunity to 5, then 10, 20+ sites each day. Once the promotion is is place, set goals for the number of sales each day.

As your business grows never lose your focus on that goal. Don't get distracted. Remember, at the end of the day you want to actually have made money! Tweeting, face booking, article submissions, and blogging HELP your business grow but are not direct profits in your pocket. Yes, promotion, networking and Search Engine positioning is important and you should work at this but it takes time to do this. Do not let these activities overwhelm you to the point where you forget to make money! Keep your eye on the prize.

Set a goal for a minimum earnings per day. Start off realistic. If you don't make that amount today, set a new goal for tomorrow. When you start making money, adjust your daily goals accordingly. For those of you who are new to online marketing you CAN make money every single day provided you have the proper tools and resources to do so and of course great products and services to promote. Just make sure you are the DOER described in this article.

I close with a quote from one of my favourite DOERS, Ray Kroc, McDonald's Corporation. "Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get."

About the Author: Sandi Hunter, is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc Republished with author's permission by Bret Eikenberry


Monday, February 9, 2015

'Til computer do us part. What to do with an uncooperative spouse undermining your home business

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Computers have become omnipresent and as such have become the means of liberating people from distasteful traditional jobs and offering the prospect of remunerative home-based employment. But working at home can be difficult.

There are numerous distractions at hand.... pets, children, television -- and the always tempting refrigerator.

Yes, it is easy to get distracted, lose focus, and miss opportunities.

However, these problems and challenges are not nearly as difficult and potentially destructive as this one: the disapproving spouse. Instead of loyal, loving, enthusiastic support you begin to hear the nagging refrain of: "You're spending too much time on the computer." The more often you hear it... the greater your problem... and the more urgent this message.

This is a problem you must solve, for failure to do so leads to estrangement, even divorce... with your computer cited as correspondent. What can you do before you become a highly rated episode on "Judge Judy"?

Request spousal support from the get go.

No home-based business should ever be started without at least a discussion between the partners about what this is likely to mean for their relationship. New businesses, home-based or otherwise, need your full attention, extra hours and complete concentration. Your partner needs to know this... and prepare accordingly.

Thus, before you begin on this demanding odyssey, go away for a romantic week-end. Be fresh! Be charming! Enjoy! Your energy level for such dissipations may not be quite this high for months to come. Cavort now. Refreshed? Revitalized? Its time to get down to business by, first, making it clear to your partner what you'll need to launch your business and to bring home the bacon.

Item: you will keep regular business hours and during these hours interruptions are not permitted. In other words, unless there is a bona fide crisis, you must focus on the business, the whole business, and nothing but the business.

Spousal agreement to this point is key, for your significant other may well "forget" this clause when there's "just one little errand to run, Pookie." As Nancy Reagan used to say, "Just say no." Once you're weakened on this point, you're nothing more than a marionette on a very short string. Oh, my!

Item: when extra time is required (as it will be when building a business), you will inform your spouse as early in the day as possible. Such courtesies go far towards reconciling a restive, longing-to-be-with-you spouse.

Make it clear what you are doing, why it's important and how much time you're going to need to finish the project at hand. This kind of communication is imperative to keep your spouse empathetic and supportive.

"You're spending way too much time on that blankety blank computer!"

You've worked hard... you begin to see results... you are thrilled... and then the spouse hits you with this! What a revolting development this is! What to do?

You have 2 options: hear but do nothing... or tackle the issue head on right now.

I recommend Option 2, because failure to respond to this problem now only ensures it will grow fast and become A Real Problem very, very soon.

Sit your partner down, explain that you need their support; that you are doing all you're doing for them... for the children... for the family. Make it clear that you will continue to do what you have set out to do but that doing it will be far better with spousal support than without it. Make this an Academy Award performance... replete with eyes locked together, hand holding, bear hugs... perhaps even a tear or two. It will all be worth it if you'll never have to hear again the words "You are spending too much time on the computer."


Want to impress your spouse and get the cooperation you require? Bribe them. Take some of the money you're making; put it in envelope. Take spouse to dinner... and have the waiter deliver along with dessert. Make sure the cash is accompanied by the briefest of notes saying, simply, profoundly "I love you." Say nothing when this present arrives. Wait for spousal reaction... which should be as surprised and tender (and accommodating) as you could want.

If the business fails.

With the best will in the world and all the time required... with full and complete spouse support your business may fail. Sadly, a very hefty percentage of home-based businesses do. Knowing you, you'll want to try and try again until you've found the winning formula. You're willing to risk again, but your spouse, in the clearest possible way, says "No way, Jose! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt."

What now?

Hand them this magnificent quote from Teddy Roosevelt's famous speech on "Citizenship in a Republic", delivered at the Sorbonne, Paris in 1910:

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood: who strives valiantly: who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

Hand this quote, I say, to your spouse and make it plain that you have an obligation, first and foremost, to yourself to carry on, to persevere, and, at last, forge victory from defeat.

This is a crucial moment in your relationship, a moment of epiphany, revelation, resolve.

Now, perhaps for the first time, your spouse truly knows and understands you. Now for the first time they see you as indefatigable, admirable, larger than life, the mate they have always wanted.... and never until this very moment knew they already had.

Sit down now at your computer, for now, at last, your truly beloved is on your side without cavil or complaint. Expect your favorite lunch to be delivered today computer-side... for now you have, well and truly, the helpmate you require for the success you will both enjoy so very much.

About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.

Republished with author's permission by Bret Eikenberry


Monday, February 2, 2015

Beware of any 'business' that relies on recruiting family and friends for your success!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

It all sounded so good.

Incredible earnings potential!

Work at home!

Big profits in your spare time!

Yours, all yours, if you only recruit a few family members and friends... who would then recruit a few family members and friends... who would then recruit a few family members and friends.

Easy! Get started today! Just pay a monthly fee and stockpile a few "they sell themselves"" products... and all those eye-popping benefits (and the money you so need) would be yours.

Unfortunately... it all went wrong, so terribly wrong and in such a short time, too.

No money!

No snug business producing guaranteed extra income!

And family members and friends angry at you for involving and misleading them, with collateral damage for years to come.

What went wrong?

"Warm marketing" is the culprit!

Consider any company you know from major household brand names to local "mom and pop" operations. Do these companies reply on their family and friends to prosper? Certainly not. In fact, the question is absurd. These enterprises, every one of these enterprises, relies on the quality of their goods and customer service -- and their own never-ending marketing efforts -- to attract people to their stores and develop long-term relationships. If you asked such business owners if they were relying on their family and friends to get by, they'd dismiss the notion in a minute as ludicrous.

And so should you!

Why "warm marketing" doesn't work.

Warm marketing is based on the proposition that people know people and that by everyone doing a little bit of presentation and recruitment, everyone benefits. Nice idea.

Unfortunately, it has as many holes as swiss cheese.

The premise of "warm marketing" is that people will buy whatever you're selling because they know you, and you ask them. By contrast, in real businesses people buy not because of their personal connection, but because of their need for the product, the eye-catching selection of what you have available, and the particular motivating offer you're making. Selling to their parents and best friends is most assuredly NOT the basis of their success!!!

So, who benefits from "warm marketing" then?

The parent company -- and no one else.

Does the opportunity charge you a fee for joining and/or a monthly "membership" fee. Bingo! They're making money off you.... even if you never make a penny.

Does the opportunity require that you buy a certain amount of product every month? 
Bingo! They're making money off of you ... even if you never make a penny.

Does the opportunity require that you maintain a certain level of sales to get paid? Bingo! They're making money off of you ... even if you never make a penny.

Let's be very clear: their objective is to make a profit for the company. Whether you make one or not is never their concern.

What companies relying on "warm marketing" never offer.

ALL businesses, warm or otherwise, need a steady flow of prospect leads. Regular companies master the art of lead generation early... or they go out of business fast.

Warm marketing companies don't spend a nickle instructing you on marketing mastery. No need! Instead, they just hand you a prospect script and tell you to call all your family and friends ASAP, since that's the sure-fire way to success.


Real companies that have dealer programs bend over backwards to accommodate your need for prospects and to help you educate and close these prospects.

The better the company, the more focused they are on your success, the more you can expect them to provide, such as

* a training program that shows you how to generate and work with your prospects

* multiple lead-generating services

* ad copy that works

* proven prospect scripts

* company-provided incentives to stimulate prospect identification and action

* company provided live and recorded presentations for prospects, delivering key information and answering queries.

Real companies don't say "recruit grandma and all will be well." Instead, they focus on providing you with EVERYTHING you need to generate and close leads, including (and this is absolutely vital) the hot new automatic recruitment software which only cutting-edge companies make a point of offering.

This exciting, money-making software enables you to generate

* unlimited

* guaranteed

* targeted

* specific

* unique

traffic to your website... and to do it AUTOMATICALLY and for FREE!

Related software delivers the Number One position in every search engine on earth... including Google, Yahoo, Bing, Alexa, etc. again AUTOMATICALLY and FREE! (I bet you didn't know you could do this in under 5 minutes, automatically. And for FREE, if the company gives you this amazing software!)

Real companies are happy to give this to you free because they know that traffic is king and that your success (and theirs) is dependent on it.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the outmoded companies advocating "warm marketing" remain in the dark ages.... snagging you with a system that seems easy but is the worst imaginable, not least because it leaves you with a trail of strained and broken relationships with family and friends you have irritated and angered.

To avoid this and all the other pitfalls of this notoriously inefficient and ineffectual marketing system, just remember Nancy Reagan's famous line: "Just say no." It will save you a world of grief, frustration, and a lifetime of bitter, recriminatory comments from family and former friends. It will also enable you to continue your search to find the best opportunities... those which eschew "warm marketing" altogether, and rightly so!

About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.

Republished with author's permission by Bret Eikenberry

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Is it a Scam? Here's how you'll know!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Hundreds of thousands of folks worldwide have been bilked by Internet scams to the tune of millions of dollars.

Now hear this: not one of these people had to lose a single penny. EVERY scam under the sun can easily be identified.... and hence avoided. Here are the signs of clear and present danger:

1) Scams prosper by telling people they can get rich without work.

Here's a dead give away! Real businesses can and should make their offers as good as possible, always maximizing advantages while minimizing what you must do to achieve results. But scams cross the line, touting success without effort. Here's where the old saying comes in, "If it seems too good to be true... it isn't!" Your mother told you this, and your mother was right.

2) Scams never feature how long they've been in business. Why? Because they aim to arrive, defraud the maximum amount as quickly as possible... then pick up silently and leave.

Real businesses are proud of the number of years they've been helping people. You'll find this information prominently displayed. They want you to know they've been here... and plan to remain here. Scams don't.

3) Scams are not accredited by The Better Business Bureau or other professional associations.

Real businesses understand that people may have hesitations or doubts about doing business with a new, untested company. They, therefore, make it a point to earn professional designations which give their new customers peace of mind.

The Better Business Bureau, for instance, the world's best known consumer protection and consumer advocacy organization, has a business accreditation program. After such extensive "due diligence", you can bet the business will proudly display their seal of accreditation. Scams don't, because scams can't.

4) Scams do not incorporate where they are subject to legal regulations and scrutiny.

Ask a scamster just where his business is incorporated and who regulates it. Answer will come there none.

Legitimate businesses are willing to submit to government oversight and review. While every business person under the sun bemoans the extra work this entails and the inevitable "red tape," in fact they welcome government oversight and review since it tells the public they are real and reputable. Scams are neither, so they don't bother to incorporate.

5) Scams don't sell real products. In actual fact, what they sell is greed.

Talk to any business person in the land about their products and services and they'll happily burble on for hour after factual hour. Not so scamsters.

A scam has no product or service. It doesn't sell anything worth having; it's all about tapping into and controlling you through your own potent avarice.

Real businesses are ecstatic to talk about what they can do for you, the beneficial details. Scams don't dare tell you what they're all about, so they tap deep into your own greed and use that to blind you to what they really do!

6) Scams don't provide real name, real address, real phone numbers, etc.

Real businesses, legitimate businesses are here today, here tomorrow. They live or die by treating old customers well so they return... and motivating new customers to come and visit. This means providing these customers with necessary contact information.

Scams are different. Go to their website. Can you easily get address, phone, etc? No. In fact it's just about impossible to get any genuine contact details. Remember, scams don't want you to know who they are, where they are located, how to contact them. Quite the contrary.

7) Scams don't tell you the names of the principals and their credentials

Remember, scams profit by dazzling you with riches without work. Such mundane details as the names and credentials of the principals -- always trumpeted in real businesses -- are never provided.

Scamsters, remember, count on you being so excited about your imminent prosperity that you won't notice you have no information about the people at this enterprise who are responsible for providing its benefits.

Last Words

There have been scams as long as there have been humans. The Internet, however, has empowered scamsters as never before. Luckily for you, every scam in the world can be easily detected. You simply must control the avarice that makes scams so attractive... and apply the common sense admonitions found here.

About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc
Republished with author's permission by Bret Eikenberry
